Essay : Moveable Type - Ephemeral Architecture Responds To Our Flexible, Mobile Nature.
Date / No : Spring 2016, Volume 19, No. 1.
Publication : Architecture Boston
Title : Moveable Type - Ephemeral Architecture Responds To Our Flexible, Mobile Nature.
Author : Robert Kronenburg
Extract : Ephemeral architecture has this capacity to create a significant memorable experience. Because it is erected over a short time, its assembly and commissioning becomes a sort of performance. Also, because its appearance is realized so quickly, it can add a more readily appreciated perspective on an existing landscape, altering people’s perception of what the site may contain or what that part of the city might become.
Mention : “The largest mobile building in the world is Valhalla a giant tented membrane structure designed by UK-based engineer Rudi Enos. It can be erected in a variety of patterns up to 252,478 square feet in area and shipped around the world in 10 standard containers.”
Read Article : 2016-AIABOS-ArchitectureBoston-extract.pdf